Monday, August 6, 2012


Labrador Retriever

Why they call it Retriever? Because Labrador is a Retriever type of dog.

According to leading kennel clubs and organizations statistics Labrador is most popular dog breed. It is from originally Canada. There is even an island named Labrador ( in fact name is Newfoundland and Labrador Province ) in Canada. Labradors has flipper paws which looks like a frog. They are sea dogs and they love to swim a lot ( some of dog breeds not like it ). Labradors mostly yellow ( light brown ) and black but can be in other colors too like dark brown is also common color in this breed. We can consider it is a big dog class too yes. So that means they will consume a lot of food. In spite of their big body they are really quite energetic dogs so you can struggle to handle them.
Different color labs

  They are also one of my favorite dog. Soft and very cute animals.

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