Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Rottweiler has large and strong body. Muscular and athletic, this race has a broad head and rounded forehead. with well-developed jaws and teeth scissors bite off. Their eyes show temperament and loyalty expression of the race, and dark colored usually. Balanced, calm, obedient, brave, and are trainability is quiet easy. They only get aggressive usually if their owners or family is threatened.

Rottweilers are calm, trainable, courageous dogs and dedicated to their family. It has a reliable character. Rottweilers protects their family with a great determination. Insensitive to pain and strong dogs. Serious, confident and reliable.

Careful and disciplined training is essential, otherwise you may encounter a strong and aggressive dogs. However they can be a good and loyal companion with a patient training.Such a large-bodied dog requires an owner who can control it. The Rottweiler is a natural guard dog with calm temperament.

They are quite smart dogs and proven it in many countries as a police dogs, in military or custom duties.It is suggested to early to start training your dog because of their size and should be paid great attention to not let them end up wild dog. This breed needs plenty of attention and socialization with people and other animals. You should put them on leash while you walk with them on public because they can attack to other dogs.

If Rottweilers are bred and trained in a consistent manner  they will be a  good playmate for children. Just as long as his positive experiences with them as a puppy, they can also accepts cats and other household pets too. While family friends and relatives were accepted into joy foreigners can not go beyond the curb. Rottweiler is successful in obedience competitions and trail riding.

Rottweiler used as a police dogs, shepherd and more importantly a very good caretaker and guardian. Also Rottweiler is a good companion dog especially with family.

Rottweiler needs plenty of exercise. Actually they are inside working group dogs. This powerful dog will gladly accept all the works you given. Walking or running will make them quite happy.

A short and shiny hair is easy to maintain. Do not  need to wash and clean coat very often. They are mid-level shedder.

Could have a litter of up to 12


Probably comes from the Italian Mastiff.  In the Middle Ages was used as a sheepdogs and on hard works. In a German village Rottweil of Wuttenberg it is bred it is believed but it is almost extinct in 1800s. In erly 20th century has become popular again thru enthusiastic dog breeders who collected in Stuggart, Germany.

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