Monday, November 4, 2013

Character Counting

 Character Count

Total :

Here is a simple character counter for you

Some websites limiting your comments or mails etc. by character remaining warning. Here you can use this for testing your text character length before you put it wherever you want.
For example twitter most famous about this. they only allow users 140 characters. Or youtube will only allow you enter 500 character. They usually give you in their side how many characters left but sometimes it does not work. For example when you copy and paste it will not work. Also some other platforms you may need this. For example in blogger it is suggested to have minimum 500 characters length posts.
So here  you go...

Welcome to Bali Villa & Land

Welcome to Bali Land & Villa

This site is mostly for real estate business and Bali Property but little bit from everything content. If you have any questions please comment on entries or email me directly.

Bali is the one of the most beautiful island in the world. It has increasing number of visitors every year. It is also most profitable property place in the world. And you can find some of those properties and solutions here.

I hope you will enjoy.

Thanks for visiting

Some entries' contents are still weak but will be updated